MOM’s Kosher Meals for Institutional Needs
Institutions (correctional, healthcare, educational, etc.) and food service contractors that have either a consistent level of Jewish clientele or a fluctuating population will find My Own Meal® kosher meals in 10 oz (283g) stand-up pouches to be a perfect solution to meet religious dietary needs. My Own Meal® kosher meals are fully cooked ready-to-eat as-is and packaged in convenient plastic pouches. Meals always taste better heated, so we suggest pulling the corner back slightly at the tear notch on the pouch then warming it in the microwave oven for about a minute for more flavor.
For double wrapping requirements, slightly open at the tear notch, place the standup pouch on a paper plate and use a simple covering such as an upside-down plastic or paper bag or plastic wrap. Even though steam will escape, the double wrapping should be maintained.
To warm large quantities at the same time, some institutions use vertical steam tray units or place them in hot water. Contact our management team with questions about how best to heat them within your particular setting to maintain kosher status.
Quick and Convenient Kosher Meals
Just Heat and Serve.
My Own Meals swiftly ships all customer orders to arrive within a few days of the order being placed, arriving ready for use.
We develop our recipes with simple and convenient storage in mind. Keep shelf stable meals in dry storage at ambient temperatures. MOM™ kosher meals should never be stored in a freezer, under cold refrigeration or at temperatures over 80°F (26°C) as this could damage the packaging or effect the quality of the kosher meal itself.
Orders can be placed directly with us via phone or email. Federal or State Government personnel may order any of our meals through GSA Ebuy or GSA Advantage website via our GSA contract, contract # GS-07F-0544W (valid until July 2025) or via government issued credit card, Wide Area Work Flow or wire transfer.
Our information in SAM (System for Award Management) is kept current.
Kosher Prepared Meals for Menu Planning
We offer tasty kosher My Own Meal® varieties available in 10 oz plastic pouches.
- Vegetarian & dairy meals: dual certified both kosher and halal to satisfy additional dietary needs.
- Glatt kosher meat meals: a majority of these do not have wheat ingredients.
See our Meal Descriptions for more information.
The My Own Meals management can assist in menu planning ideas and alternatives. For additional information, see the following article from: Food Technology magazine, Institute of Food Technologists, July 2000, Volume 54, No.7, Getting Religion – For Your Products That Is, by Mary Anne Jackson.
For more information about preparing meals in an institution, see Preparation Alternatives for Institutions.