MOM™ kosher meal kits include a tempting ready-to-eat as-is meat, dairy or parve My Own Meal® main course meal paired with an assortment of nutritious sides called My Kind of Meal®. Our team designs meal kits per specific customer requirements.

My Own Meal® Kosher Meal Kits

My Own Meals continues to supply its appealing MREs to militaries, and also offers a consumer version as meal kits. Similar to its MREs, the meal kits have a My Own Meal® food pouch meal paired with a My Kind of Meal® accessory pack of accompaniments. Available vegetarian varieties may have differing calories from other MREs.

My Own Meal® Kits – Packed in one Master Box with two Boxes Inside

My Own Meal®

Foil or Plastic Food Pouch Meals
12 foil (or plastic) meals per case
Certified Kosher (pareve) or Glatt Kosher (meat)
My Kind of Meal®

12 accessory packs per case
Certified Kosher

My Own Meal® Foil or Plastic Pouch Meals

Each consumer receives one My Own Meal® packed in a 227 g (8 oz) foil pouch or a 283 g (10 oz) plastic pouch.

The delicious beef and chicken meals available include:

Beef Stew
Old World Stew
My Kind of Chicken®
Chicken & Noodles
Chicken Mediterranean
Chicken & Black Beans

Vegetarian meals are available in tasty varieties, Kosher & Halal certified:

Florentine Lasagna (Dairy)
Un-Stuffed Peppers (Dairy)
Mushroom Stroganoff (Dairy)
Hearty Lentil Stew (Pareve)
Vegetarian Stew (Pareve)
Tuscan Pasta & Beans (Pareve) Pasta with Garden Vegetables (Pareve)

My Kind of Meal® Accessory Pack

Each consumer also receives one accessory pack of brand name accompaniments which may include nutritious items such as:

  • Grains… such as pita chips, dry cereal, or granola bars
    Fruits (dried)… such as raisins, fruit bars, or other dried fruits
    Beverage powders
    Moist towelette, utensils, and toilet tissue

Each item is kosher certified by a kashruth agency and approved by the Organization of Orthodox Kashruth Supervision.

Kosher MREs - Meals Ready to Eat 5

Immediate Response for Unexpected Demand

Occasionally, a customer has the time to plan consistent, high-volume deliveries over a fixed and long period of time. These buyers can require specific product formulations or menus.

However, most My Own Meals customers do not have the luxury of time. We are here to serve when you need us most. By relying upon the huge brand name supplier network, we are able to surge quickly. My Own Meals responds to unexpected requirements such as disaster relief and refugee assistance for both adults and children.

My Own Meal® Meal kits are intended for use within the year, not for long-term storage in anticipation of a need. Always confirm best used by dates if the kits or MREs are intended for later use.


See ORDER FORM to find current pricing and ordering information for our meals in 8 oz (227 g) foil or 10 oz (283 g) plastic pouches.

For meal kits, email us at: and we will send you the appropriate order form.

Meal kits are not always available for sale to the general public.

See also Shipping Weights and Dimensions